1/24/2018 12:32:32 PM
I suspect it is our old friend copper. He dissappeared when I figured out who he is. I think he knew I was going to out him publicly. I still consider doing it from time to time. What I don't get is that all liberals think they are intellectually and morally superior to us deplorables, but are to ashamed to go public with their identities.
If anyone is interested in who Ole copper is let me know. I can tell you all about him, his family, where and how he grew up and what his classmates thought of him way back in high school, even what some of his peers thought of him in his professional life. I've shared it with a few folks privately but if the response is great enough I will publish it publicly. The forum has been awfully slow lately. It's about time somebody lived things up. I'm sure the webmaster would appreciate the traffic.. Lol.