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(Lake Lanier Specific)
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Lake Alice Dam Breach polluting Lake Lanier
5/25/2013 9:09:40 PM
I have contacted every agency I can think of from Federal, to State, to County, and City of Cumming, even Non-Profit Environmental organizations to no avail. Since the dam on Lake Alice was breached on the morning of May 18th, 2013, there has been a non-stop stream of silt and other pollutants into Lake Lanier. Sanders road was repaired today Friday May 24th, 2013, however, nothing has been done to abate the flow silt into Lake Lanier.
I understand the dam was privately owned, and the city owned the lake, yet nothing is being done to stop a situation that is impacting my ability to enjoy living on the lake. Something which I pay a great deal of property taxes, dock permits, boat registration, insurance etc to enjoy. Does the county have any plans whatsoever to get involved? Is Forsyth County, City of Cumming, State of Georgia, and the Masburn family all pointing fingers saying "it's not our responsibility" and laughing at everyone impacted by their inability to manage Storm water? Why was the massive expanse of asphalt known as Market Place allowed to be built without adequate Storm water retention? Why can't someone step forward and stop the potential environmental disaster before it spirals further out of control? A leading cause of massive fish kills is an algae bloom. The leading cause of algae blooms? Excess nutrients in the water, right now visibility in the Little Ridge Cove area is about 1-2" (2" is being very generous). The silt is quickly approaching Habersham Marina, perhaps that's what it will take to have something done about the situation. Obviously one citizen crying foul isn't enough to kick something into action. Perhaps Habersham Marina will have more of a voice once their business is impacted.
"The nutrients trigger blooms of algae, which taint drinking water. Death and decay of the algae depletes oxygen, kills fish and bottom-dwelling animals, and thereby creates “dead zones” in the body of water. The syndrome of excessive nutrients, noxious algae, foul water, and dead zones—which ecologists call eutrophication—is depressingly familiar to those who depend on water from rich agricultural regions.". http://www.pnas.org/content/105/32/11039.full
I have taken numerous photographs to document the situation. They are all available here: http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/broken_dam/library/?sort=3&page=1. There are several folders organized by the date the photographs were taken.
Please tell me as a tax payer, and resident of Forsyth County and Lake Lanier what options do I have to get someone to begin the recovery process?