Off-Topic: reading comprehension alert
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Name:   MartiniMan The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   reading comprehension alert
Date:   10/29/2024 2:47:49 PM

English may not be your first language. Their closing pitch is about being able to abort babies with no limitations. Since that is indeed their closing pitch then what I wrote is obviously accurate and obviously not claiming it was currently legal, obviously. Cause if it were currently legal they wouldn't need to make it their closing pitch......obviously  SMH.

I would use your nice try terminology but it wouldn't come close to being accurate, obviously.  It's OK, I have low expectations when it cowes to left wing types and their ability to understand the written word.

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                    reading comprehension alert - MartiniMan - 10/29/2024 2:47:49 PM

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