Trump 2016
10/11/2016 7:36:39 PM
I've been taking a personal poll of women I come in contact with. So far it is 100% in favor of Trump. That includes friends neighbors and my dentist office today (all women). I was warned in the front not to mention I was a shrillary supporter to the ones sticking sharp instruments in my mouth... Lol.
It started at the front counter because all the pins were made crooked. I looked at it weird and she said she gets traded about buying them at a fire sale. I told her I just assumed they would have the shrillary logo on them. That got a good laugh and so I asked the 4 women present if the tape changed their mind. None said it did. They all felt like it was just what it was. Two guys being guys. Doesn't mean they were thrilled or pleased about it, just didn't care enough to not support Trump over shrillary. Age range is from early 20s to late 60s I would guess.