Dems finally turn on hillary
12/12/2016 7:03:33 PM
I don't think I have drawn any paralells between government and industry. In fact, those who would draw those parallels would be wrong. Government is not a profit making organization, where as industry is. But my point is that, If you can only hire one person for every two that leave, the work of the person that left still needs to be done. And yes, sometimes it involves a lot more hours for those that remain. I can't think of too many times in my career when I was working at least 10 hours, sometimes as many as 14 hours. Over a certain salary, you do not get paid overtime. If you are lucky you might get comp time, but usually not.
And my second point is that some of those laws, regulations and policies are directed by Congress and sometimes they direct "oversight", that means a new responsibility. And everybody hates "oversight" responsibilities because it is a thankless job.
Believe me, govenrment managers and supervisors would be thrilled if they could fire people like private industry does.