Why do I support Trump over Biden?
9/20/2020 2:31:15 PM
Biden is stupid, but he won't be in charge. Obama will be in charge behind the scenes and try to redo all the things of his that Trump undid. These agreements aren't worth the paper they are written on, but it sounds good to those that don't know better.
I am definitely not advocating for the Democrats, which is why I won't vote for Biden. Democrats believe in these meaningless agreements that have absolutely no teeth in them. When you think about negotiating with Iran - the Iranians have been negotiators throughout world history - back to ancient times, so there is no reason to think that any agreements they sign up to, won't be in their favor.
But, keep in mind, Trump is in office now and we have the riots, and the "occupied zones" in our major cities, criminals being made into heros - so if he is going to do something about all that why isn't he doing it now??? I don't think Biden will do anything either, except pander to the minorities. This is what I mean about Trump not speaking up - he needs to speak out and soothe the blacks, but then come down like a hammer on all this violence. Was just watching a video this morning about Minneapolis - did you know they have an occupied zone, where the police are afraid to go? It's by a square called "George Floyd" square.
As far as Doug Jones - Republicans in Alabama couldn't come up with anyone other than Tuberville? Looks like he managed to get Auburn to continue to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars to leave - and then went and scewed other people out of their life savings. Yeah, he'll fit right in in Washington. So once again we are left voting for the lesser of two evils.
I'm sorry, but with the candidates being put forth by either party, I really have no intention of voting, because I won't accept such a low standard.