I have never believed the government should never have been in the loop making laws about abortion. Now that they have kicked the decision back to the state, because it is not a Constitutional issue. Alito is right - no place in the Constitution does it mention abortion rights. The Court made a mistake when it ruled in Roe V. Wade the first time. If Congress wants to plass a law authorizing abortion on demand, then they can try to pass one. No doubt there will be protests or riots. It is a step backward for women's rights.
If the population of the state claims that the want the availability of abortion, they will have to vote and support candidates who are willing to pass legisiation in that state to permit abortions. Some states will never do so, because the population doesn't want that. I don't see it as a Republican or a Deomocrat issue - there are probably a lot of Republicans that believe in a woman's right to choose, but won't say it outloud for fear of offending the base.
Perhaps this ruling will make people be a little more diligent about using birth control. Or women that can afford to do so will seek out states where it is allowed or go to Mexico.