Diane Finestein
4/18/2022 8:14:56 PM
A long time ago I thought 70 year olds shouldn't be allowed to drive. As I "matured" and looked around at what was going on around me, and more importantly what was going on inside me, I realized that people lose cognitive and memory functions at different ages. I also learned that the more a person is involved with activities that require reasoning, deduction, remembering, and other such "cerebral" things, the more that person avoids his or her grey cells getting crusty and/or becoming non-functional. That is a big reason I still work. There is a history of dementia in my family on my Mother's side, and I will do everything I can to not follow in their footsteps.
My work environment requires constant assessing, recalling management fundamentals and lessons learned over almost 55 years since I left college, devising ways to make people agree to a particular course of action, and teaching younger folks how to be effective workers. I did "retire" for several months about seven years ago and could tell (and my family observed the same as well), that I was losing the mental edge. Thank God, a former customer called me one day needing help and I joyfully jumped back into the fray. My one-person LLC just got another six month contract extension, so it looks like we will keep on keeping on as long as the inhales and exhales keep coming.
Back to the subject that started this thread, if I am not mistaken Chuck Grassley of Iowa is about the same age as Feinstein and he is sharp as a tack. I only hope to be in half as good a shape at 88 as he is now!