For someone
9/26/2019 6:34:30 PM
with such a limited attention span, you have a remarkable ability to pull together historical snippets in a vain attempt to create a false equivalency.
Borne out by the incomplete, sanitized "transcript" of a phone conversation released by the administration and by publicly-known facts, #45 withheld essential military aid - that had been authorized by Congress, and that he has no authority to withhold - to a US ally in an overt attempt to extorted an assurance from the president of that country that they would "look into" #45's political opponent.
It is abundantly clear that people like yourself will not change your views - at least, not your publicly-expressed viiews - no matter how egregious the misconduct by #45. You are either sufficiently gullible to be completely deluded by his fraud, or you are simply too embarrasssed to admit what is so obviously the case.