Alabama the amazing place
11/15/2017 7:41:28 AM
The reckoning is coming! I hope the referee calls the game the same for both teams.
A LOT of people of the same sex love each other. Jesus Loves You.....I have not problem with that.
I DETEST Roy Moore.....did first time he brought attention to himself....did second time he brought attention to himself.
DID not vote for Roy Moore.
Check out the "Yearbook" that was "signed" by Moore, and just by happenstance at the Ole Hickory. Who signs a yearbook and then writes "at McDonalds" or at Mr. G's?
Thank goodness this next Senator will just have two years, because worst choice ever. Boils down to alledged accusations of bad actions towards teens Vs I am willing to kill girls so they will never have a chance to be a teen.