Then again maybe not.....
3/22/2016 3:16:04 PM
I have seen it far too long. Companies take short term gains without consideration of the long term effect. They'll be the first to whine about the international competition and how unfair it is. I spent the last 10 years of my career hearing about it. Yes, they may lose some investors initially, but other investors will take their place. If we are going to whine about the loss of jobs, then we need to stop helping these other foreign companies to compete with us. It's insanity. I've seen very large companies transfer technology to foreign companies, and then cry when they don't get the contract the next year. You have got to weigh short term gains, against long term effects.
Now MM, will explain to me the error of thinking to me, because he is a short term gains kind of guy.
And GF, yes, I carefully consider what a company is doing before I invest my money with them, because I am a long term kind of investor.