Trump, the Lesser
12/27/2018 10:10:09 AM
As for Republicans and President Trump… the time to shed ourselves of Trump came during the primaries. Because conservatives (and independents) are trying to change the counterproductive behavior of the swamp they chose Donald Trump… a successful, charismatic, direct speaking, businessman with NO political experience. With those traits, you have to take the bad with the good. In his (previous) line of work, one does not succeed by being timid. Remember, Trump turned several key states by attracting disaffected Democrats… while retaining disaffected Republicans.
In the main, President Trump has kept his promises as best as he can while swimming upstream against the liberal media, deep state, and business-as-usual legislators. President Trump is publicly placing the blame squarely where it belongs.
He appears to be filling Supreme Court vacancies with constitutionalists… if only conservatives regard The Constitution as the supreme law of the land… then conservative would also be an accurate term.
As our Commander-in-Chief… he is required by the Constitution to provide for national security. It is in the best interest of our national security and sovereignty for him to build a wall along our southern border. He has asked Congress (the swamp) to fix our (illegal) immigration problems… they have fumbled the ball and aren’t even looking for it. If the wall does not get built and/or Congress does not pass legislation fixing the illegal immigration impass… your grandchildren will suffer for it GREATLY. Their nation will be exactly as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez wish it to be… and opportunity and entrepreneurship will be squelched. They will run out of other people’s money.
Liberals… be careful what you wish for. The Muslims are watching… gleefully.
- LMF Curmudgeon