Fact of Life
5/17/2018 8:30:53 AM
Yeah, imagine the concept of abstinence, which works every time its tried. Here's a question for you Goofy. Contraception is widely available today and yet close to 70% of African American kids are born out of wedlock versus 25% forty years ago. And the data is irrefutable about the negative impact of out of wedlock birth has on future success in life. So how's that working out for that community? So while I am personally opposed to contraception it is the law of the land and no one is proposing that be changed, including me. I would prefer that people learn the negative impact of pre-marital sex and the devastating results of out of wedlock births and simply decide that they will wait for marriage. That is how we make contraception safe, legal and rare. And I am under no illusions about when or if this will ever happen but it would be best for everyone if it did.
As for your so-called point about providing government assistance to the poor starving kiddos, nothing could be further from the truth. Most conservatives prefer that this kind of assistance be provided not by the federal government but by state and local government and private charity (conistent with the principle of subsidiarity) and that it be done in a way that only the truly needy receive it in a way that doesn't breed generational dependency on government. If some state wants to load up their budget and tax the living crap out of their citizens to perpetuate dependency then let them have at it (consistent with the principle of Federalism). They will reap what they sow and like California, Illinois, etc. will see a mass exodus of hard working people and businesses for more reasonable states and a massive influx of freeloaders.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not the proper role of the Federal government. It should be limited to its proper role of national defense, infrastructure, etc. (consistent with the Constitution).