Disheartened, Discouraged
11/12/2016 8:53:00 PM
I have to say that I am totally disheatened and discouraged about the reaction to Trump's Win. People have not let go of the campaign nastiness. And the desperate Liberals are trying to get states to abandon the electoral collage and go for the popular vote. The media is still trying to twist the truth to their spin. I thought once the election was over people would settle down, but no. I guess at heart I am an optimist and I tend to think the best of others but after this, I am struggling to get there I have been called ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, a racist, a vile person, and I have been told by former friends that they think I am addicted to prescription drugs and/or have dementia. 3/4 of my FB "friends" have now unfriended me and blocked me. I guess they think I was personally responsible for Trump's election. And most of the posts on FB are now antiTrump. Thank goodness for the Blue Tick Hound group who don't get into the political tangle.
And what is up with these protests and riots? Are we going to have 4 years of this? I've had people tell me that they are terrified that Trump supporters are going to kill them. Really? People seem to be in hysteria that their health insurance will be cancelled, that they won't get their Medicare and Social Security, and they are still convinced that the stock market is going to crash and wipe out their savings. Can people really be this irrational? Oh yes, and Putin is getting ready to launch WWIII. Here I have been worrying about some radicalized Muslim deciding to take people out on his personal jihad, or being mugged when I am out shopping. And my husband was just reading to me that we are having to beef up the border security because illegals are coming over the border in droves.
I think the blame for this is less about Trump and more about what the media has done to our country. Trump was scrutinzied every day of his campaign, every word, every move, twisted and spun and reported like daily pablum. Now Hillary is blaming Comely for her loss. I think she is just looking for an excuse as to why she did the "unthinkable" and lost.
I find I want to stay in my house, concentrate on my dogs, and read novels so I don't have to deal with it. I just don't want to hear any more lies and BS.