This quote describes the left perfectly
7/26/2017 10:40:55 PM
I guess there is two ways to look at this, the charitable way and the cynical way. Charitably, he realizes what a disaster Obamacare is and truly wanted to make sure it has a chance of being repealed and replaced and was willing to sacrifice to make that a possibility. Cynically, he is so addicted to power and prestige that he could not miss the opportunity to scold those who disagree with him and cement his image as a dedicated public servant by dragging himself from death's doorstep to vote. As for me, I have no opinion either way but am glad he was there to at least move the debate to the floor for amendments and votes. So in this case I suppose the ends justify the motivation.
As Goofy said in an earlier post, regardless of McCain's foibles there is much to be admired about him. And unlike Trump's views, it seems to me based on what I have read about him that he conducted himself honorably as a POW. I don't care if he gave into the torture, etc. As it says in the bible, pray that you don't undergo the test. Most of us would have broken eventually.......that's the reality regardless of how the armchair POWs see this.