True story
12/1/2016 8:02:14 PM
On the fourth of July as part of the celebration and fireworks I hold a flag burning for any desecrate flags. I always have one from flag island and sometimes another from elsewhere. My favorite ceremony is to cut or tear the flag along the stripes and burn them individually. I usually pay them out to frinds/family and we place them in and make a statement of gratitude to those who fought and died for Old Glory. The field of stars goes last.
Several years ago we met some Australian neighbors and became friends. They have been here nearly twenty years and have one son who was born here, thus a citizen. They tell horror stories of dealing with immigration over the years and are still working toward duel citizenship for the rest of his family. They are more patriotic and love this country more than most, like many immigrants. They have lived elsewhere and understand what we have and how precious it is. He came originally on a temporary year to 18 months assignment with his company, fell in love and moved his family here for a permanent position
Well back to the point of the post. The first year they came for fireworks we gathered around the fire pit for the ceremony. The stripes had been distributed and the I presented him with the field of stars and asked if he would do the honors. The man teared up and choked up but then proceeded to speak on what it means to be American. I won't do details but to suffice to say there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd before he was done. A great memory.