ANOTHER sincere and serious question
4/3/2016 1:06:05 PM
I'll probably be hung with you, but I am pro-choice and I think Roe v. Wade should stay in place. If however, at some point if they are able to make go away, I would say that if a Dr. violates the law, then he would be subject to punishment, just as if he had broken any other law. But that won't happen - because women of no means will be back in the alleys, and women of means will go where it is legal. The women in seeking back room abortions shouldn't be punished - it is punishment enough subjecting themselves to bleeding to death, blood poisoning, sepsis and the possibility of never being able to bear children, because the abortionist didn't know what they were doing. or those women will be left to resort to arsenic or some other "drug" thought to induce abortion.
Getting rid of Roe v. Wade will not stop abortion. I know this upsets a lot of people, but choice is choice. If your values and beliefs don't support abortion, then don't have one or consider it an option. And mind your own business when it comes to reproduction rights. I just read a horrible story that the fetus died at 22 weeks, but under Texas law, the woman was required to carry the fetus to term and delivery it. The emotional cruelty plus the threat to the mother's health is just astounding in it's stupidity.
You can believe if it was men who had the babies, nothing would be off the table.