Lake Nacimiento Topics: Meet and Greet......
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Name:   MovinFr8 The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   Meet and Greet......
Date:   5/21/2012 9:18:37 AM

I do this every year and have met some of you but I feel we might get a decent response this year.

Without nailing anything down just yet I want to get some feedback on where.....

Clear Creek has a catfish tournament coming up June 15th and 16th and will have ESPN and Bill Dance among other things.

Lakeside Landing - Do they still have the food shack out by the water?

Huggies Lakeside - At Woods Marina

Lakeside would probably be the center point for no matter where anyone is coming from on the lake and the two other places are just good food but may be a little far fot those comeing from the upper end of the lake.

The catfish tournament will have a festival atmosphere and I am going to suggest that LMLPA set up a booth to get new members.

Does anyone else have a suggestion? we can also just meet in the middle of the lake and drop anchor. I am out there every weekend and always looking to make new friends on the lake.
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Meet and Greet...... - MovinFr8 - 5/21/2012 9:18:37 AM
     Meet and Greet...... - Old Diver - 5/21/2012 9:38:35 AM
          Meet and Greet...... - BamaKat - 5/21/2012 12:52:14 PM
          Meet and Greet...... - BamaKat - 5/21/2012 12:53:39 PM
               Meet and Greet...... - MovinFr8 - 5/21/2012 10:34:06 PM
                    Meet and Greet...... - Packrat - 5/22/2012 7:28:06 AM
                    Meet and Greet...... - jace - 5/22/2012 7:48:28 AM

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