3/26/2019 10:32:59 AM
SPLC's history is pretty sordid and the founders were clearly in it for the money (they are on record having said so). Liberals are fools and their money separated but SPLC served a constituency very well and the govt media conspired to hide their partisanship. Nunmber of lawsuits by entities included on their list that I hope will be successful. They certainly have the money to pay them out. They have over $100M in overseas accounts and much more domestically.
Interesting week so far, and except for Goofy trying to change the subject, the usual crowd of left wing nuts are pretty quiet....understandingly so. They must be going through the five stages of grieving although I doubt many will get beyond denial. I can only imagine they would be wall to wall if the Mueller report said the opposite. And we would have been pretty quiet, although not AWOL like them. Archie in particular must be really butt hurt given his prior claims that collusion was a done deal. All the signs were there that collusion was a dry hole. Had there been collusion, the lower level indictments would have been for something other than unrelated and process crimes. Andy McCarthy at NRO has been pretty clear with this observation for over a year. Typical prosecutor would nail the underlings for the underlying crime and get them to roll on the big wigs. Of course, collusion isn't even a crime but I am sure the 13 Dem operatives on the Mueller team would have figured something out.