Off-Topic: So you've given up defending aBS' lie?
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Name:   MrHodja The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   So you've given up defending aBS' lie?
Date:   9/14/2024 5:58:53 PM

I would ask Goofy if he is a Christian, but discussing one's faith isn't really appropriate for this venue unless as you and I do, that person willfully divulges and discusses such.  That being said, one also doesn't have to be a Christian to have Christian values.  Apparently, so it seems, Goofy does not share the same values as you and I, and my values on abortion are probably not in lock-step with yours.  In any case, values concerning the termination of a what some call a human life are not something to be taken lightly, especially where that human life no longer depends on the mother's body for survival.

So, Goofy is it safe to say that you don't share the same values, commonly known as Christian, as either MM or myself?

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                                                  Let me know when you give up...U'll be 1st to know - MrHodja - 9/13/2024 10:55:53 PM
                                                       Let me know when you give up...U'll be 1st to know - MartiniMan - 9/14/2024 8:42:29 AM
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                                                       So you've given up defending aBS' lie? - MrHodja - 9/14/2024 5:58:53 PM
                                                            So you've given up defending aBS' lie? - phil - 9/16/2024 8:36:34 AM

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