9/30/2016 6:46:40 PM
Get real. Hillary has to drag up dirt that happened twenty years ago because she has no accomplishments during her past twenty years that she can use to justify her run for the Presidency. Even we "deplorables" are smart enough to see through her game plan. How much do you think it cost Hillary to bring Machado into the political picture? Also, Hillary is a great one to talk when you consider her attacks on all the women that Bill abused. Instead of blaming her wayward husband she had to ruin their lives as a way of trying to save face. All this great information she is providing does nothing to tell the American people what we need to hear about her plans as President. Promising a "free" college education is nothing more than "lying" to our youth to gain their vote. And if it should come to past, it will not be free, we the taxpayers will pay. Furthermore, if parents are gullible enough to fall for her "lies", what happens to their incentive to work hard to insure their children are able to go to college? I have a son with a business degree who works two jobs and a daughter-in-law who works fulltime be able to provide for their children to go to college. Since we have thousands and thousands of young people who have college degrees and can't find a job, it seems to me that even Hillary could see the dire need for growing the economy and creating new jobs. But she had rather scream and holler about things that don't amount to a "hill of beans" to keep our minds off what this country really needs. One last thought about her criticism of Trump's comments about Machado. All he did was enforce the rules of the Miss Universe contest. A lot is being said by maior news organizations like ABC, NBC, CNN, etc. about some of Trump's comments about employees who are hostesses and greeters and are in positions where they come in contact with customers. When I started this post with "get real", I ask you to take a close look at "those" who bring the "news" and the "weather" and tell me they have not been "screened" in much the same way as Trump has described. It is not "fair" but that's the world we live in.