Since you are brand new to the forum I didn't realize you were an expert! I'm glad you have arrived to keep APCO in check so that us misfortune Lake Martin homeowners will enjoy higher water levels. What a relief. I was worried that APCO's 100 years of experience, millions in research and teams of experts were not doing there job. Not to mention FERC, the COE and dozens of other studies.
Now that we have that out of the way I suggest you do a little research on the terms "run of the river" and inpoundments aka reservoir (storage) in regards to Alabama lakes. Obviously since you can quote the acre feet of the respective lakes I know you can use Google. Go back and search the proper terms and then come back and tell us how mismanaged our lake is.
I'm guessing you are brand new to paradise. Us old timers see it every year. Some Newby comes along and buys a lake house and suddenly they know best for the lake, especially in regards to water level. If you don't like the draw down, LEAVE! It is a fact of life here. Some of us enjoy it.
Now please Google, cut and paste some more moot (used just for you archie) points for us to ponder and to show how horrible APCO is at water management.