Stuffing how I feel
2/17/2012 9:27:45 AM
McCain (because you brought him up) does not (did not) have the skills that a nation in economic stress needs to get the disaster course reversed. Romney has those skills. Is he a social moderate… probably?
He correctly acknowledged that the State of Massachusetts had the right (as provided by the 10th Amendment) to elect universal health care by referendum. This does NOT mean that he buys into it as a viable or legal FEDERAL mandate… as he has so stated.
Left hemispherical “social” issues, besides being a lightning rod for the hysterical, will NEVER be resolved through legislation.
Right hemispherical, “fiscal” issues can be resolved through application of historically proven and justified methods… some of which will be excruciating. Had we not procrastinated over these past three decades… such methods could have been merely painful. Now we need an experienced expert in large scale fiscal recovery. Do you suppose him to be Santorum?
“Socially conservative?” That I am… but, I am also a realist and I will stuff such (morally superior) emotions in favor of the survival of our nation. I will defer to men and women to make personal decisions about contraception. I will defer to women to make personal decisions about abortion.
I expect that every voting citizen reflects on prioritization and finds that the viability of our constitutionally derived nation is the only foundation for the resolution of all of the other subordinate issues.