Lake Mallard Topics: Chimney Rock accident
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Chimney Rock accident
6/11/2010 1:08:11 PM
That's great news.
Martini, death is not the issue but serious injury is. I was referring to the big rock as the high dive.
My question was would you allow your child to drive a car or truck if the refused to wear their seatbelt? I would hope the answer is I would take away their keys.
There are laws to protect us against our own stupid actions. Seatbelts, driving courses, DUI and BUI laws, boating certification, kill switch on PWC and outboards, speeding laws, life jackets, minimum operating ages, etc. Kids are trained in safety before participating in organized sports.
Your daughter had the priviledge to develop skills jumping from a high dive in her backyard. Yet, by your own admission, you would not allow her to jump from the high rock. Now, how many teenagers who decide to jump have any training in proper technique?
Would you invest your money in a syndicate to insurre those jumping from the high rock against accidental injury?