You seem to be under the delussional belief that once they start to raise the lake that all downstream flow is halted and that is what fills the basin. That is the only reasoning I can see that would make you draw such erroniuos conclusions. You couldn't be more wrong. when the level is raised to 483 it will be accompanied by a shorter 'rule curve' for filling her up. Even if the curve weren't changed they would compensate by sending more water downstream daily to maintain the curve for filling less water in a shorter time frame.
Your ignorace on the subject has been shown so you really should just use that blinding 'realfast' speed to go away. After all you moved and haven't 'looked back' so why are you so interested that you keep posting ignorant, irrellevant posts on the subject. Me? I got a slow day today and can do this all day so on second thought keep it up and I might not get bored today.