Boat Maintenance: Steering wheel
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Name:   phil The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   Steering wheel
Date:   8/9/2019 1:50:46 PM (updated 8/9/2019 1:51:42 PM)

swapped one a few years ago on a boat that the plastic had become brittle, cracked and was coming off in lots of places.  


If I remember just take the nut off. When ordering a replacment I think the hub it goes onto is either streight or tapered and there are a few sizes so make sure to order a new wheel that is compatible with your column.  If not sure look under the dash and get the make and model of the steering box  you can usually google it to get the correct size.


Got a stainless metal one to replace the one that was on a boat I am restoring - it should never crack or break, but have to be careful if its out in the sun much as it does get toasty.


Going to drop the merc inline 6 outboard on it this winter as the old evinrude just had too many problems and is so old that some of the parts needed are just not around anymore.




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