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(Oak Mountain Lake Specific)
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Lots of insanity
6/4/2010 11:08:33 AM
-I, like most of teh country, have watched with continually growing alarm the Gulf events unfold over the last six weeks thru the words and eyes of teh print and TV media. -At first, I , like most people, based on what we were readiing, hearing, and seeing thought it would be stopped within days or maybe two to three weeks. - But affter the first week or so, anybody with any resposibilities and experiences for damage control for any kind of problem, small to huge, knew we were in trouble. -The major problem as I see it, is that the governemnt took way too long to put one man/woman in charge of teh whole crisis, and when it did, that person, Coast Guard Adm Allen, hasn't -in my mind- measured up to the task. -When crisies this huge get beyond teh managegerial abilities of one or many civilians, the government often turns to teh military: Katrina, Haiti, Arizona border, etc. In Katrina the Coast Guard, after taking over from incompetent civilians, did a great job of briinging sanity to chaos; in teh Gulf, not so much. -The problem is the focus on the damn pipe. No doubt the pipe is BP's and teh oil industry's job. They took an engineering approach to it. We all watched, fascinated. But the Coast Guard's duty was not to watch the pipe, but to watch teh coast. The booms, the burns, the scoops, the berms, the fishing boats, the storge ships, the etcs. were/are the Coast Guard's to imagine and to coordinate. - From my admitedly long-distance perspective, thru the media telescope, the Coast Guard some how became captive to BP -or restricted by Washington. Whatever the reason, the Coast Guard has not taken charge in the way it should. -One comment about the original posting in this thread, --The AG going to the coast and talking about law suits. Like we see the BP engineers trying to fix teh pipe, because that is what engineers do; like we see fishermen wanting to use their boats to protect the sea, because that is what fishermen do; like we see LA'ians wanting to build berms to protect their lands, because that's what citizens do; --we see lawyers wanting to sue somebody, because that's what lawyers do. Remember, a year or so aga when we had $4 a gallon gas? What did our congress do to help solve that problem? They passed a resolution to sue the OPEC nations. This administration is made up of lawyers; what do lawyers know how to do when faced with a crisi?