Tall Cotton
Unbending Compromise
10/8/2013 2:13:32 PM
Would someone who blames the House Republicans for the shutdown please explain why you think that way? Today President Obama called Speaker Bohener to let him know there will be no negotiating until the House passes a clean spending bill AND raises the debt ceiling. He does agree to negotiate AFTER those are passed. By the way, a "clean" resolution means scrubbed of all fiscal responsibility and accountability. In all my lifetime I have never heard of negotiating or compromising after a deal was done. Imagine going into a new car dealership, making three offers, each increasing in price, but having to agree to their sticker price, which never changed, with the promise that after the contract is signed, and the deal is done, they will negotiate. Really? If you think that's how it should be done then you deserve what you get. Unfortunately, in this case, we all get the same deal.