The Trump take-away
9/27/2015 11:26:05 AM
LOL. Trump really is someone we should be paying attention to, but not because he is a leader or spokesman for important issues. We should take notice of him because of what he represents, and that is this: He pretty much embodies what we should be ashamed of as American voters. He appears to have distilled down all the ingredients of our political conversation, like our satisfaction with sound bytes rather than substance, the use of character assasination instead of policy to promote his candidacy, heavy use of misdirection & contradictory statements that he will quickly disavow when confronted. Hound has described him as the 'anti-politician', and he describes himself as an entertainer.
He talks without saying anything of substance, beats his own drum while pointing out how proud of himself he is, tells us that his accumulation of wealth is clear evidence that he is a better man than anyone else in the room. He is counting on us to admire him simply because he is rich... And if you cross him, he will announce that your wife is ugly and your children are stupid, too.
So, if we want to listen to someone who stopped maturing in the 7th grade, he's our guy. And the very fact that he is doing so well in the polls is evidence of the decay in the Republican Party.
The Pope and The Donald. Who would you rather invite to dinner?