And there are many other examples and much worse to come. Ridiculous to say live and let live when only one side of the equation would be subjected to that limitation. The gaymafia will not allow us to live and let live, never have and never will. Once again they lie that this is all they want ala civil unions of many years ago, but this is just the beginning. They are going to make every effort to drive anyone that disagrees with and refuses to actively support their perverse lifestyle under ground, out of business or in prison. I have no doubt like I have no doubt that now that the definition of marriage has been undermined that we will see a push for all sorts of other deviancy being recognized. And why not? Who the hell are gays or any of the rest of us to claim that marriage only applies to two people? If three people love themselves who are we to judge? Or if some guy loves and wants to marry his dog how does that hurt their gay marriage? Absolute insanity and evil.
No way Hound would take me up on a bet about that. She knows I am right.