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Updated 9/14/2024 10:10:50 AM
(Lake Ellsworth Specific)
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Name: |
Subject: |
Check up
6/30/2013 4:56:51 PM
After his physical exam the Dr tells Cletus he has a problem with dangerously high blood pressure. Cletus says he knows it and that it's a family problem. The doc asks which side of his family has a history of elevated blood pressure. Cletus replys "Oh, hit ain't frum neither side uv ma famly...hit cum from ma wife's famly." The doc chuckles and says "Well Cletus, you can't get high blood pressure from non-blood relatives such as your wife's family." Cletus replies " Ta he// you say...you ain't never met none uv ma inlaws have ye?"