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Name:   rainbow slough - Email Member
Subject:   Fiberglass
Date:   5/23/2013 5:37:05 PM (updated 5/23/2013 5:40:13 PM)

Not a boat question, but I have an old set of fiberglass mooring whips that I guess have lost their coating. You get a hand full of glass when touched. What do I want to coat them with? Thanks

Name:   Nancy Christine II - Email Member
Subject:   Fiberglass
Date:   6/6/2013 10:00:51 PM

Epoxy or fiberglass.. they should be then fine. just paint it on with a paint brush.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   NC II Where Ya Been?
Date:   6/6/2013 10:58:22 PM

Was wondering the other day why we haven't heard from you. Saw the pic of the Event Horixon back?

Name:   Nancy Christine II - Email Member
Subject:   NC II Where Ya Been?
Date:   6/6/2013 11:06:50 PM

Yep. I'm back... spent the last 2 years dealing with my dad and his illness he passed away on Thanksgiving night.
but yes, back at it.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   NC II Where Ya Been?
Date:   6/6/2013 11:16:49 PM (updated 6/6/2013 11:18:37 PM)

Sorry about your loss. Always tough to lose a parent. Peace.

Name:   Buteye - Email Member
Subject:   NC II Where Ya Been?
Date:   6/7/2013 6:08:55 AM

I enjoy the forum but I am not a regular contributor. I have always enjoyed your input on the forum and am glad to have you back. Like Mr. Hodga, I too had been wondering why we had not heard from you in a long while. I am very sorry to hear of the circumstances for your absence and welcome you back. Many of your inputs from the past such as the videos on your boat restorations , etc. have been sorely missed. As time permits, please bring us up to date as you tackle "new' projects.

Name:   kevinsstelly - Email Member
Subject:   Fiberglass
Date:   3/11/2023 12:44:00 AM

I also think that epoxy or fiberglass is the best solution! Much is written here and here! I myself often use epoxy resin, it perfectly solves the problem!

Name:   ottogrog - Email Member
Subject:   Fiberglass
Date:   10/24/2023 4:29:00 AM

whatever you do, be sure to sand and prep the fiberglass properly before applying the new coating. Wear proper skin and eye protection - avoid getting glass fibers in your skin. Re-coating the whips annually will maintain the protective geometry dash barrier

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