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Name:   MAJ USA RET - Email Member
Subject:   Damn Liberals
Date:   2/2/2025 9:27:02 PM

I just read, on One American News, that one of the pilots of the Army helicopter which crashed into the American Airlines plane was a female democrat on Biden’s staff. (stop) Upon reading the comments from “conservatives”, I noted that nearly all of them connected her performance as an Army pilot to her political affiliation – and not in a positive manner.

I am retired Army. My blood runs red every time. Personally, I don’t know who of my comrades-in-arms were Democrats or Republicans. I am pretty sure the liberals’ blood was the same color as mine.

If you are so clouded as to believe that the blood of liberals is inferior to the blood of conservatives, then you are part of the problem – not the solution.


I have lived along the Potomac River (Fort Belvoir; three times).   I have flown into and out of DCA many times. I have taken my sailboat up the river to DC to see the city lights. The air (space) around DCA is chaotic. It is, after all, our nation’s capital. Let us say that the “variables abound”.


Air traffic control is an exact profession. Every comment you say to a pilot has meaning. So, you transmit something to a military pilot on a separate channel from the commercial pilots and the military pilot does not interpret what you meant correctly. The commercial pilot is not privy to your conversation.

If there are but only two errors in this conversation – in a chaotic environment – in the dark of night – in a military vs commercial condition… what are the possibilities?


LMF Curmudgeon

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Damn Liberals
Date:   2/3/2025 9:43:02 AM

I fully agree - Sadly accidents happen and happens on both sides of the political spectrum.


1. I believe the tower was understaffed which led to mistakes and delays.

2. Not sure why the blackhawk was 100 foot high and 1/2 mile off course that close to the airport / heavy traffic ( and why the ATC did not get them back on their proper course / altitude.

3. From what I have heard from the recordings of ATC and speculations, I believe that the Blackhawk may have been looking at the wrong aircraft when they were alerted and said they had visual.

4. Aviation disasters dont care who made the mistakes as everyone involved except the ATC is no longer with us. Sadly lots of life was lost.


Hopefully changes will be made to make sure that whatever led up to this one gets corrected.  



Name:   CRD - Email Member
Subject:   Damn Liberals
Date:   2/4/2025 10:28:43 AM

Unlikely that they mistook the CRJ, It's landing lights were pointing right at them. More likely they weren't sure where they were in relation to the plane and where it was going. From the radar plot they are head on, then the CRJ turns final to 33 and the Blackhawk turns right to avoid them. Too high and in the wrong spot.  

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Damn Liberals
Date:   2/4/2025 4:17:00 PM

Its possible - I have never flown with night vision on - or really used them much.  Several reports indicated it would really cut down on field of view, plus if they were that lit up from the landing lights - could they even see anything at all? Only experience I had was a trip out for hogs and someone hit another hunter with a flashlight who was using a night vision scope - basically washed out his entire view.  Can only imagine if flying and landing lights hit the night vision how bad that could be with it strapped to your head.


Only someone with experience with night vision headsets used by the military would probably be able to answer.



Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Damn Liberals
Date:   2/4/2025 10:33:21 PM

If they needed training in the use of night vision goggles they should have flown south toward Dahlgren where it was actually dark.  The NTSB report hopefully will explain how this could have happened, although that is a very busy area and even if everyone wad doing everything right Murphy's Law finally caught up with them. 

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Damn Liberals
Date:   2/5/2025 4:44:04 PM

Agree on the comments vis-a-vis the female pilot.  Having said that, and not having heard the ATC tapes, I can assure you that ATC notified the AA flight about the helicopter in the area.  Having flown near numerous military bases over the years they have always notified me of all aircraft in the area of my flight, military and civilian.

IMO, this accident occurred because the flight crew of the helicopter were off course and too high putting them in the path of the AA jet. ATC also shares some of the blame because I can assure you their collision warning system was blaring.  That they took the word of the helicopter crew that they had the AA flight in sight was mystifying to me.  Over the years I've gotten urgent instructions to change direction or altitude with far more distance than this one.   And the AA flight was cleared to land at a seldom used runway (33) which I suspect contributed to the collision.  Also, the helicopter crew was wearing NVGs, which is like looking through a toilet paper tube.  Combine a lack of peripheral vision, a complicated and busy airspace, tons of lights on the ground that can be confusing to the pilots and a helicopter off course and above assigned altitude and this is what you get.

It could happen to any pilot, no matter how qualified they are.  No matter what their political beliefs are.  No matter what their gender is.  I suspect there will be a big change to this training program as a result of this accident.  

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