(Lake Ouachita Specific)
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(Lake Ouachita Specific)
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Updated 5/22/2013 2:37:35 PM
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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Ouachita Tough Year
5/22/2013 2:37:35 PM
I have been fishing Ouachita off and on for 50+ years and I believe this has been the toughest year for crappie and bass I have seen. Although I have been catching fish, it hasn't been one of those years where you could set in one spot and limit out on crappie. I would catch one or two crappie on one brush pile then the action would stop. I moved all over the upper end of South Fork catching 1 to 2 fish per pile. The cold weather this year kept pushing the spawn back. As of last week I was still putting female crappie in the boat which had not spawned. (May 14th to 19th). I had better results on minnows than jigs. Bass were equally confused, and as of last week the females were still holding roe. Most of the bass I caught was in mid March on Rat-L-Traps in the pockets. I did hear reports of some fish being caught on floating worms. Bream were biting, but there wasn't any size to them. Out of 25 I caught only three were worth keeping. Looks like this year was a bust for the average Joe, I am sure the pros were top of the fish.